Lynda.Com - SEO Search Engine Optimization Getting Started

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In SEO: Search Engine Optimization Getting Started, author Jill Whalen explains the importance of site rankings and why search engine optimization is necessary for increasing web site traffic. The course covers choosing the best keywords, performing keyword research, augmenting keywords with search-friendly site architecture, creating social media networking strategies, and measuring the success of an SEO campaign.

Topics include:
•Understanding how search engines work
•Researching and selecting keywords
•Adding keywords to web pages, URLs, and HTML markup
•Writing web page content based on selected keywords
•Link building
•Social media marketing without spamming
•Setting up Google Analytics to track conversions
•Measuring search engine traffic

Jill Whalen

Jill Whalen is a pioneer in search engine optimization. She began working in the field in the early 1990s and founded High Rankings in 1995. Through High Rankings, Jill has worked with hundreds of clients in more than 40 industries to enhance their presence through proven dynamic search engine strategies that lead to increased traffic, more conversions, and enhanced sales.

In 2006, Jill co-founded Search Engine Marketing Network for New England (SEMNE), a regional organization that enables companies and individuals interested in search marketing to meet every other month to exchange ideas, learn new tactics, and network.

Jill is also the founder of the popular High Rankings Search Engine Optimization Forum, now celebrating its fifth year. She is also the host of the "High Rankings Advisor", a free search engine marketing e-mail newsletter. Jill wrote The Nitty-gritty of Writing for the Search Engines and she is a moderator of the search marketing industry's social networking web site, Sphinn.




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